Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Market Readings

Had written tons and was about to post something on the video clips by NasiLemak2020 group, but after thinking about it, decided not to, even though I find their videos exceptionally funny, cutting, politically enchanting and fun. So, just go to YouTube and search for them.

The market seems to be trying to dig itself out of a hole. Even the blue chips are trying to get some attention, but no visible market leader as yet. For a market to have a sustained run, there must be a market leader. No, penny stocks cannot be market leaders.

Sunway merger plans now look like a grand champion for those who held through for the exercise. The likely leader will be UEM Land, Tebrau from the Iskandar story. If they make it to the top, then we are in for a upswing. Seeing Axiata and Tenaga up there is not the same.

E&O has been trying for something now for the past few months. There better be some thing or else this overbought stock will have a lot of sellers. Even Muhibbah and MRCB are making moves. Bodes well if the property plays or ETP plays come roaring back.

For those with a trading bent, Kurnia Asia looks to be starting their engines, you can also put Timedotcom into that mould also.

Let's see if this is the start of a rally or just a false start.


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